Widget Studio
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CFButtonOptionsContains the data for a Widget Studio Modern Button
 CFFontStyleStruct with font weight, size, and letter spacing
 CFModernButtonDetailsButton details customization class
 CFWidgetStudioEditorThe WidgetStudio Editor module
 CFWidgetStudioRuntimeThe WidgetStudio Runtime module
 CFWSIconStyleThe settings for the Widget Studio Icon Widget
 CFWSTextStyleThe settings for the Widget Studio Text
 CUTestWidgetA test widget for cpp tests
 CUWidgetStudioBaseThe base User Widget class for Widget Studio
 CUWidgetStudioButtonBaseContain the fundamental logic for a Widget Studio button
 CUWidgetStudioButtonGroupA utility widget to group buttons and their logic together
 CUWidgetStudioContainerA base class for building a option container such as a tab bar or combo box
 CUWidgetStudioDividerA visual divider used to divide content
 CUWidgetStudioEditorFunctionLibraryA Widget Studio library for Editor only functions
 CUWidgetStudioEditorTestClassTest class to perform unit tests
 CUWidgetStudioFunctionLibraryA collection of useful Widget Studio functions
 CUWidgetStudioIconA pre-setup widget that works with power of two icons
 CUWidgetStudioIconSetData asset that contains the current theme icon set
 CUWidgetStudioLabelA widget that displays a text label and accepts a single widget as a child
 CUWidgetStudioModernButtonA fully styled functional button from the Widget Studio
 CUWidgetStudioModernCardA rounded card for background usage
 CUWidgetStudioModernCheckBoxA modern styled checkbox
 CUWidgetStudioModernComboBoxA modern styled combo box
 CUWidgetStudioModernProgressBarA modern styled progress bar
 CUWidgetStudioModernSliderA modern styled slider
 CUWidgetStudioModernSpinBoxA modernly styled spin box from Widget Studio
 CUWidgetStudioModernSwitchA modern styled switch
 CUWidgetStudioModernTabBarA modern styled tab bar
 CUWidgetStudioModernTextFieldA modern styled text field
 CUWidgetStudioSettingsThe Widget Studio editor settings
 CUWidgetStudioSliderBaseBase class for building sliders
 CUWidgetStudioSubsystemA singleton for managing widget styles and managing widget state instantiates when the plugin loads
 CUWidgetStudioTestClassTest class to perform unit tests
 CUWidgetStudioTextA custom text widget setup to work with the Typography Styling
 CUWidgetStudioTextBlockA customized TextBlock widget that exposes required functionality
 CUWidgetStudioTextFieldBaseA Widget Studio abstract text field without any pre-defined styling or widgets
 CUWidgetStudioThemeData asset that contains the current theme color palette
 CUWidgetStudioTypographyData asset that contains the current theme font and its styling
 CUWSEditableTextA customized EditableText widget that exposes required functionality
 CUWSEditorObjectEditor object that exists for the lifetime of the plugin
 CUWSScrollBoxA Widget Studio customized version of the Scrollbox
 CWidgetStudioEditorEditor module .build.cs
 CWidgetStudioRuntimeRuntime module .build.cs